This is a proposal for a new relationship between lifestyles and pianos based on the concept that the design encompasses not only the shape of the piano, but also the time spent with the instrument. We collaborated with a furniture manufacturer to create three prototypes.

Never too late to learn.
Let us hear what our student Jolene Chew has to say about her musical journey with Yamaha Music School as an adult learner!
#JoleneChew #AdultLearner #AdultStudent #yamaha... See More
Never too late to learn.
Let us hear what our student Jolene Chew has to say about her musical journey with Yamaha Music School as an adult learner!
#JoleneChew #AdultLearner #AdultStudent #yamaha #NeverTooLate

[Yamaha Electone Festival 2020 - Cancelled]
In view of the current COVID-19 situation, Yamaha Electone Festival 2020 will be cancelled. Meanwhile stay home and stay safe. ? We hope to see you next year!
#covid19 #coronavirus #SocialDistancing... See More
[Yamaha Electone Festival 2020 - Cancelled]
In view of the current COVID-19 situation, Yamaha Electone Festival 2020 will be cancelled. Meanwhile stay home and stay safe. ? We hope to see you next year!
#covid19 #coronavirus #SocialDistancing #pandemic #TogetherAtHome #StayAtHome #SGUnited #YEF #YEF2020 #yamaha

Yee Hong Shyan is one of our multi-talented students who play the electone, piano, and violin. We had a chat with his parent, Mrs. Yee who had shared with us about Hong Shyan's musical journey with Yamaha.
#yamaha #teacher #parent... See More
Yee Hong Shyan is one of our multi-talented students who play the electone, piano, and violin. We had a chat with his parent, Mrs. Yee who had shared with us about Hong Shyan's musical journey with Yamaha.

Yamaha Music School - [Wu Ee Lin] EP1: Making Practice a Breeze
Our beloved Chief Instructor, Mrs Wu Ee Lin, is back to share with you the 3 conditions to make practicing a breeze! During this circuit breaker period, let us stay passionate in practicing music with our children at home!
#covid19 #coronavirus... See More
Yamaha Music School - [Wu Ee Lin] EP1: Making Practice a Breeze
Our beloved Chief Instructor, Mrs Wu Ee Lin, is back to share with you the 3 conditions to make practicing a breeze! During this circuit breaker period, let us stay passionate in practicing music with our children at home!
#covid19 #coronavirus #SocialDistancing #pandemic #TogetherAtHome #StayAtHome #SGUnited #yamaha #teacher #parent #lesson #online

Calling out all Yamaha students! Missing lessons with us already? We certainly miss you!
Share with us videos of your home practice sessions and stand a chance to win a FREE ONE-MONTH COURSE FEE WAIVER when lessons resume! Simply, hashtag #imissyamahasg and set your videos public!
Terms and conditions apply. For more information, visit See More
Calling out all Yamaha students! Missing lessons with us already? We certainly miss you!
Share with us videos of your home practice sessions and stand a chance to win a FREE ONE-MONTH COURSE FEE WAIVER when lessons resume! Simply, hashtag #imissyamahasg and set your videos public!
Terms and conditions apply. For more information, visit
#covid19 #coronavirus #SocialDistancing #pandemic #TogetherAtHome #StayAtHome #online #yamaha #SGUnited

In response to the latest advisory from Ministry of Health, Singapore, all Yamaha music lessons, including both group and individual sessions, will be suspended from Friday, 27 March to Thursday, 30 April. Please refer to the Important Notice issued below.
#WuhanVirus #covid19 #coronavirus... See More
In response to the latest advisory from Ministry of Health, Singapore, all Yamaha music lessons, including both group and individual sessions, will be suspended from Friday, 27 March to Thursday, 30 April. Please refer to the Important Notice issued below.
#WuhanVirus #covid19 #coronavirus #wuhan #SocialDistancing #pandemic #sgunited #SingaporeTogether #TogetherAtHome #teacher #parent #lesson #yamaha #school #announcement

Yamaha announces ten finalists for its Yamaha Music Foundation of Europe Scholarships
All applicants are under the age of 25 and are currently studying in full time music education in the UK.
The finalists will perform on the Conservatoire’s ‘CFX’ - Yamaha’s flagship concert grand piano to an eminent judging panel.
Founded in 1989, the Yamaha Music Foundation of Europe Scholarship competitions now take place in 32 countries and have endowed over 1000 scholarships... See More
Yamaha announces ten finalists for its Yamaha Music Foundation of Europe Scholarships
All applicants are under the age of 25 and are currently studying in full time music education in the UK.
The finalists will perform on the Conservatoire’s ‘CFX’ - Yamaha’s flagship concert grand piano to an eminent judging panel.
Founded in 1989, the Yamaha Music Foundation of Europe Scholarship competitions now take place in 32 countries and have endowed over 1000 scholarships totalling more than one million euros since their inception.
A not-for-profit charity, it is dedicated to providing support and performance platforms for the next generation of classical music talent.
The finals are open for all to attend and entry to the event is free.
#yamaha #Scholarship #grand #cfx #YamahaMusicFoundation #competition #charity #event

Music is.. love. Music is.. passion. Spread the Music, Love, Passion to your loved ones with Yamaha's wide range of instruments!
Enjoy Great Deals available from now till 31st March 2020.

The movements of world-renowned dancer Kaiji Moriyama's dancing on stage were translated into musical notes on a Yamaha Disklavier player piano, accompanied by the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra Scharoun Ensemble, demonstrating how artificial intelligence has made its foray into the world of music, in a whole new creative manner.
The movements of world-renowned dancer Kaiji Moriyama's dancing on stage were translated into musical notes on a Yamaha Disklavier player piano, accompanied by the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra Scharoun Ensemble, demonstrating how artificial intelligence has made its foray into the world of music, in a whole new creative manner.
#ai #ArtificialIntelligence #KaijiMoriyama #Disklavier #Yamaha #orchestra

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