Piano Piece Pick #14 - Looking to perform for a wedding, but yet you have been requested to perform something other than the standard Wedding March (Mendelssohn) and Bridal Chorus (Wagner). And you have been further instructed to avoid overused romantic pieces like Canon in D (Pachelbel), Claire de Lune (Debussy), Ave Maria (J S Bach), and Ode to Joy (Beethoven).
So, what will you perform at this wedding? I recommend "Wedding Day at Troldhaugen" from Edvard Grieg. It is the last... See More
Piano Piece Pick #14 - Looking to perform for a wedding, but yet you have been requested to perform something other than the standard Wedding March (Mendelssohn) and Bridal Chorus (Wagner). And you have been further instructed to avoid overused romantic pieces like Canon in D (Pachelbel), Claire de Lune (Debussy), Ave Maria (J S Bach), and Ode to Joy (Beethoven).
So, what will you perform at this wedding? I recommend "Wedding Day at Troldhaugen" from Edvard Grieg. It is the last piece from Volume 8 of Grieg's Lyric Pieces (a large collection of 66 solo pieces). Click on the video below to listen!
No? A bad choice, you say? So, what would YOU recommend we play at this wedding other than the pieces listed here?
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gq83dUB37rI
Score: https://imslp.org/wiki/Special:ImagefromIndex/285710/ft01
No, I don't think so. Canon in D doesn't sound that nice on the piano, not without some strings backing.
Most gals would melt with Canon in D, even just piano alone!! ?
Yes Mabel, I will melt... ?
Gavin, to me, I don't think this song is suitable for a wedding here in SG leh. Hehehe, just my personal opinion, at least for my wedding.
Ok... majority wins, I suppose! ?