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There are etudes from every musical period. Their purpose is to help the student drill and learn a particular technique. As a result, they tend to be repetitive. Some composers, such as Liszt and Chopin, wrote etudes of such complexity and beauty that they are performed in concerts.
#Etudes #MusicTheory... See More

There are etudes from every musical period. Their purpose is to help the student drill and learn a particular technique. As a result, they tend to be repetitive. Some composers, such as Liszt and Chopin, wrote etudes of such complexity and beauty that they are performed in concerts.
#Etudes #MusicTheory #Student #Technique #Drill
What are Etudes - Music Theory Lessons - Musical Etudes

How it is necessary to approach playing American and European pianos with dramatically different techniques in order to get the sound you are after out of them.
#Comparison #Steinway #Petrof #technique

How it is necessary to approach playing American and European pianos with dramatically different techniques in order to get the sound you are after out of them.
#Comparison #Steinway #Petrof #technique
Steinway Vs Petrof Concert Grand Pianos - Living Pianos VLOG

Use these 5 beginner piano exercises to GET THOSE FINGERS MOVING. Perfect for sitting at the piano, having fun and playing some actual piano music whilst also developing your core skills.

Every exercise can be done in the right hand, the left hand and BOTH HANDS TOGETHER so your left and right hand coordination will go through the roof!

#exercise #... See More

Use these 5 beginner piano exercises to GET THOSE FINGERS MOVING. Perfect for sitting at the piano, having fun and playing some actual piano music whilst also developing your core skills.

Every exercise can be done in the right hand, the left hand and BOTH HANDS TOGETHER so your left and right hand coordination will go through the roof!

#exercise #methodology #teacher #student #technique #tutorial
The Top 5 Piano Exercises For Beginners

In this piano tutorial I'm going to go over 5 exercises I indulge in from time to time to keep me in shape. They're great for building finger independence and strength, simple enough to be picked up by a beginner but complicated enough to challenge veterans if played sufficiently fast.

Remember to always practice slowly and with a metronome at first until you feel confident in your playing and can play each note evenly. Then slowly pick up the speed. If you're starting out, think... See More

In this piano tutorial I'm going to go over 5 exercises I indulge in from time to time to keep me in shape. They're great for building finger independence and strength, simple enough to be picked up by a beginner but complicated enough to challenge veterans if played sufficiently fast.

Remember to always practice slowly and with a metronome at first until you feel confident in your playing and can play each note evenly. Then slowly pick up the speed. If you're starting out, think long-term: it takes many months to build up technique on these, so don't rush! Remember, if you can't play it slowly, you sure can't play it fast.

#exercise #methodology #teacher #student #technique #tutorial
5 Simple Piano Exercises For Building Technique

These 4 exercises are fantastic for anyone wanting to improve their speed, dexterity, hand independence, and control.

These are geared towards beginners, but they can be used by any level as a great way to 'wake up' the fingers and develop muscle memory.

#exercise #methodology #teacher... See More

These 4 exercises are fantastic for anyone wanting to improve their speed, dexterity, hand independence, and control.

These are geared towards beginners, but they can be used by any level as a great way to 'wake up' the fingers and develop muscle memory.

#exercise #methodology #teacher #student #technique #tutorial
Piano Exercises For Beginners (Speed, Dexterity, Hand Independence, Control)

Hanon exercises were specifically designed for the optimum health and longevity of the pianist by enforcing and reinforcing good, solid habits. Here are three reasons that you should be playing Hanon exercises every day:

#Hanon #technique #learning... See More

Hanon exercises were specifically designed for the optimum health and longevity of the pianist by enforcing and reinforcing good, solid habits. Here are three reasons that you should be playing Hanon exercises every day:

#Hanon #technique #learning #exercise

Not invented by, but rather named for Domenico Alberti, who used this device extensively in his own keyboard sonatas, the Alberti Bass is a moving figure in the bass or left hand of keyboard music, derived from a three-note chord. It is particularly common in the piano sonatas of Haydn, Mozart, Clementi, Beethoven and Schubert where one can find numerous examples of its use.

For the pianist, the challenge in playing an Alberti Bass effectively is to create a dynamic accompaniment... See More

Not invented by, but rather named for Domenico Alberti, who used this device extensively in his own keyboard sonatas, the Alberti Bass is a moving figure in the bass or left hand of keyboard music, derived from a three-note chord. It is particularly common in the piano sonatas of Haydn, Mozart, Clementi, Beethoven and Schubert where one can find numerous examples of its use.

For the pianist, the challenge in playing an Alberti Bass effectively is to create a dynamic accompaniment which sounds natural and fluid, and which also confirms the intended harmonic effect. Physically, a soft mobile wrist with some lateral rotary movement which prevent the notes sounding dry and monotonous.

#AlbertiBass #DomenicoAlberti #teacher #method #technique