
Avett Ray Maness is a 6-year-old piano prodigy from Dayton, Ohio, who not only taught himself to play piano by ear – but he's also blind.
"The moment he could pull himself to reach the piano, he was playing the melody to 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star,'" Avett Ray's mom, Sara Moore, told CBS News. That was when he was just 11 months old. Avett Ray has since gotten a piano teacher, who helps him learn new techniques and classical tunes.
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Avett Ray Maness is a 6-year-old piano prodigy from Dayton, Ohio, who not only taught himself to play piano by ear – but he's also blind.
"The moment he could pull himself to reach the piano, he was playing the melody to 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star,'" Avett Ray's mom, Sara Moore, told CBS News. That was when he was just 11 months old. Avett Ray has since gotten a piano teacher, who helps him learn new techniques and classical tunes.
#Blind #Prodigy #BohemianRhapsody #Queen #AvettManess @@2

Love the PASSION she put in. Exceptional ! Wonderful ! Amazing ! PURE ART !

Inspirational! A 7 Year Old Blind & Brilliant Future Superstar!
A very talented blind 7 year old young man Avett Ray seen here singing & playing this Queen classic! Inspirational & Wonderful to watch! If you say you can or can't you'll be right either way. Avett said he could & he did!
#queen #BohemianRhapsody... See More
Inspirational! A 7 Year Old Blind & Brilliant Future Superstar!
A very talented blind 7 year old young man Avett Ray seen here singing & playing this Queen classic! Inspirational & Wonderful to watch! If you say you can or can't you'll be right either way. Avett said he could & he did!
#queen #BohemianRhapsody #FreddieMercury #blind #SpecialNeeds #talented #inspiration #AvettRay

A doctor lifted the mood inside a hospital in Italy when playing a piano rendition of Queen’s Don’t Stop Me Now at the end of a shift battling coronavirus.
Christian Mongiard works in the high-intensity medicine unit at Circolo di Varese Hospital and volunteered to aid patients suffering from Covid-19.
On Saturday, when heading to buy a sandwich in the northern Italian hospital, he spotted the piano and performed an impromptu song to an isolated waiting room whilst still... See More
A doctor lifted the mood inside a hospital in Italy when playing a piano rendition of Queen’s Don’t Stop Me Now at the end of a shift battling coronavirus.
Christian Mongiard works in the high-intensity medicine unit at Circolo di Varese Hospital and volunteered to aid patients suffering from Covid-19.
On Saturday, when heading to buy a sandwich in the northern Italian hospital, he spotted the piano and performed an impromptu song to an isolated waiting room whilst still wearing his protective mask and scrubs.
#WuhanVirus #covid19 #coronavirus #wuhan #SocialDistancing #pandemic #TogetherAtHome #StayAtHome #doctor #Queen #hospital

A video of a piano prodigy singing and playing Queen's iconic song "Bohemian Rhapsody" has won the hearts of netizens on Youtube. The internet sensation will now be playing in front of a crowd for a benefit concert.
Avett Ray Maness, a 6-year-old boy from Ohio, United States, was born with a condition that had caused him to be blind in one eye and visually impaired in the other. This disability, however, did not stop him from learning how to play the piano all by himself.
... See More
A video of a piano prodigy singing and playing Queen's iconic song "Bohemian Rhapsody" has won the hearts of netizens on Youtube. The internet sensation will now be playing in front of a crowd for a benefit concert.
Avett Ray Maness, a 6-year-old boy from Ohio, United States, was born with a condition that had caused him to be blind in one eye and visually impaired in the other. This disability, however, did not stop him from learning how to play the piano all by himself.

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