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It’s no surprise that a lot of people are excited and intrigued by the discovery of the so-called ‘Piano Hoard’

The gold coins found within it date to 1915.

So what happened to the original owner and why was the hoard hidden in the first place?

#mystery #gold

This is the story of a mystery hoard of gold found inside a piano.

Piano tuner Martin Backhouse came across several tightly wrapped fabric bundles while working on an instrument that had been newly donated to Bishop’s Castle Community College in Shropshire.

Carefully opening one he discovered stacks of gold sovereigns – precious coins – dating from the turn of the 20th century.

#mystery... See More

This is the story of a mystery hoard of gold found inside a piano.

Piano tuner Martin Backhouse came across several tightly wrapped fabric bundles while working on an instrument that had been newly donated to Bishop’s Castle Community College in Shropshire.

Carefully opening one he discovered stacks of gold sovereigns – precious coins – dating from the turn of the 20th century.

#mystery #gold #treasure #discovery #tuner
Hidden Treasure: a gold hoard found in a piano

Professor Cooper’s edition does throw one blindingly obvious change at the music world. There are no longer 32 Beethoven piano sonatas, as books and performers will tell you, but 35. Not that Professor Cooper has discovered three more. Rather, he has reconsidered and admitted to the canon three early sonatas written when Beethoven was 12, usually set aside as juvenilia.

“I can find no reason why they shouldn’t be counted,” he said, “and indeed they were in the first complete edition... See More

Professor Cooper’s edition does throw one blindingly obvious change at the music world. There are no longer 32 Beethoven piano sonatas, as books and performers will tell you, but 35. Not that Professor Cooper has discovered three more. Rather, he has reconsidered and admitted to the canon three early sonatas written when Beethoven was 12, usually set aside as juvenilia.

“I can find no reason why they shouldn’t be counted,” he said, “and indeed they were in the first complete edition of the sonatas, published just after Beethoven’s death by his friend Haslinger, who presumably knew what Beethoven wanted. They are fully fledged, three-movement works, and if they lack something in quality, you could say the same of some of the Opus 49 Sonatas, and you surely wouldn’t exclude those from the canon.

#beethoven #sonata #mystery #cooper

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Michael LS

So are the 3 sonatas pointed out by Cooper officially recognised?

March 10, 2020 at 11:47am
Liew Soo Hin

Think it's just the opinion of one person. But considering he's a Beethoven scholar and "ranks among the world’s leading authorities on Beethoven and has lived with the piano sonatas more... See More

Think it's just the opinion of one person. But considering he's a Beethoven scholar and "ranks among the world’s leading authorities on Beethoven and has lived with the piano sonatas more intimately, perhaps, than anyone since Beethoven himself", his words possibly carry significant weight. Btw, how do we even know if it's official or not?

March 12, 2020 at 2:38pm

Do you know: No one knows the exact day Beethoven was born.

All we know is that he was baptised on 17 December 1770.

#DoYouKnow #beethoven #teacher #birthday... See More

Do you know: No one knows the exact day Beethoven was born.

All we know is that he was baptised on 17 December 1770.

#DoYouKnow #beethoven #teacher #birthday #mystery

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Gavin Koh

16th December is commonly accepted as Beethoven's birthday since his family and even his teacher Johann Albrechtsberger celebrated it on that day.

December 17, 2019 at 11:24pm
Gavin Koh

And Germany has come to accept this day as his birthday too... See More

And Germany has come to accept this day as his birthday too...

December 17, 2019 at 11:25pm