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Hunker down at home a bit longer is the message a Greek pianist has sent to a world in coronavirus lockdown with his latest composition, the Isolation Waltz: and he's just seven years old.

Stelios Kerasidis first performed in public at the age of three, and has played in New York's Carnegie Hall and the Royal Albert Hall in London.

#SteliosKerasidis... See More

Hunker down at home a bit longer is the message a Greek pianist has sent to a world in coronavirus lockdown with his latest composition, the Isolation Waltz: and he's just seven years old.

Stelios Kerasidis first performed in public at the age of three, and has played in New York's Carnegie Hall and the Royal Albert Hall in London.

#SteliosKerasidis #composer #covid19 #coronavirus #SocialDistancing #pandemic #TogetherAtHome #StayAtHome #waltz

Complete piano battle scene from the movie Secret between Jay Chou and the "Prince of Piano".

English subtitled. Songs include the Black Key Etude and Waltz in c-sharp minor by Chopin. 不能说的秘密

#JayChou #TheSecret #PianoBattle... See More

Complete piano battle scene from the movie Secret between Jay Chou and the "Prince of Piano".

English subtitled. Songs include the Black Key Etude and Waltz in c-sharp minor by Chopin. 不能说的秘密

#JayChou #TheSecret #PianoBattle #chopin #waltz #etude #movie

Secret Piano Battle

Praised for his emotional energy and technical finesse, Oliver Salonga has performed in the concert halls of the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, Austria, Italy, Japan, Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, Philippines, Australia, and China.

Born in Manila, Salonga, a child prodigy, gained national recognition and have done national concert tours after he won First Prize in National Music Competition for Young Artists (NAMCYA) in 1998 and in 2001.

... See More

Praised for his emotional energy and technical finesse, Oliver Salonga has performed in the concert halls of the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, Austria, Italy, Japan, Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, Philippines, Australia, and China.

Born in Manila, Salonga, a child prodigy, gained national recognition and have done national concert tours after he won First Prize in National Music Competition for Young Artists (NAMCYA) in 1998 and in 2001.

#OliverSalonga #event #beethoven #liszt #barber #ravel #sonata #rhapsodie #waltz #concert #recital #yst

Do you know that Disney used the below mentioned waltz for a Fantasia-esque clip entitled "Dance of the Goofys" in the 2002 film Mickey's House of Villains?

Frühlingsstimmen, Op. 410, Voices Of Spring Waltz by Johann Strauss, Jr. (aka Johann Strauss II).

#JohannStraussJr #strauss #... See More

Do you know that Disney used the below mentioned waltz for a Fantasia-esque clip entitled "Dance of the Goofys" in the 2002 film Mickey's House of Villains?

Frühlingsstimmen, Op. 410, Voices Of Spring Waltz by Johann Strauss, Jr. (aka Johann Strauss II).

#JohannStraussJr #strauss #disney #waltz #mickey #goofy

House of Villains - Ending of Dance of The Goofys

Frühlingsstimmen, Op. 410, Voices Of Spring Waltz by Johann Strauss, Jr. (aka Johann Strauss II).

Do you know that Disney used the waltz for a Fantasia-esque clip entitled "Dance of the Goofys" in the 2002 film Mickey's House of Villains?

#JohannStraussJr #strauss #disney... See More

Frühlingsstimmen, Op. 410, Voices Of Spring Waltz by Johann Strauss, Jr. (aka Johann Strauss II).

Do you know that Disney used the waltz for a Fantasia-esque clip entitled "Dance of the Goofys" in the 2002 film Mickey's House of Villains?

#JohannStraussJr #strauss #disney #waltz #mickey #goofy

Voices Of Spring Waltz - Johann Strauss Jr.