Teo Cheng Leng
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Piano Performances in Pianovers Events
Title | Pianovers Events | Duration |
The Hen and Her Chicks | Meetup #49 (Suntec) | 0m 32s |
月亮代表我的心 (The Moon Represents My Heart) | Meetup #49 (Suntec) | 1m 45s |
London Bridge Is Falling Down | Meetup #35 | 0m 55s |
Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star | Meetup #35 | 0m 39s |
French Fry Bandit | Meetup #30 | 0m 37s |
Hush a Bye | Meetup #30 | 0m 18s |
Party in the Sky | Meetup #26 (Valentine's Day Themed) | 1m 09s |
Happy Birthday | Meetup #26 (Valentine's Day Themed) | 0m 29s |
6m 24s |
Ensemble Performances in Pianovers Events
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