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My External Performances
Piano Performances in Pianovers Events
Title | Pianovers Events | Duration |
Captain Hook's Rockin' Party | Meetup #144 (Christmas Themed) | 0m 43s |
Sonata in D minor, 2nd movt, Giga | Meetup #144 (Christmas Themed) | 1m 19s |
Huron Carol | Meetup #66 | 2m 22s |
In An Old Castle | Meetup #66 | 1m 01s |
La Donna è Mobile | Meetup #66 | 0m 32s |
Bouncing Billy (from Take Your Pick) | Meetup #66 | 0m 39s |
Asian Tiger Prowl | Meetup #57 | 0m 45s |
月亮代表我的心 (The Moon Represents My Heart) | Meetup #57 | 2m 51s |
10m 12s |
Ensemble Performances in Pianovers Events
Title | Pianovers Events | Duration |
Huron Carol | Meetup #106 (Christmas Themed) | 1m 28s |
1m 28s |
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