I am finding a new home for this beautiful antique handcraft Baldwin grand piano used by my wife who is a professional piano teacher with her Master degree in Music. We need to find a new owner of this instrument as we are migrating. We bought this original US made piano from one very famous Piano shop called Living Piano in California USA in 2016 while I was on company assignment and we shipped it back to Singapore at he end of 2017 because we loved its bright sound so much. Living Piano owner Robert Estrin explained that they replaced the strings and keyboard cover and restored the piano to excellent condition before selling to us. In Singapore, my wife carefully takes care of it including regular tuning. Recently in mid April, one friend who has been in used Piano business for 30 years came and inspect the Piano and he assessed the Piano in GOOD condition given its antique status. This Baldwin has been built under Acoustic Patented Construction and the Antique Baldwin has been a very famous US brand. Feel free to contact me and play it at my home. We are willing to negotiate the price if we can find a genuine piano lover. The length of the Piano is 5 foot 6 inch and can go into lift easily for easy shipment. Please refer to the video link from Living Piano to show case my Piano before they sold it to me.