The ABRSM Representative Office in Singapore is responsible for a lot of administrative matters related to the ABRSM examinations conducted here in Singapore yearly. It also ensures that the information flows properly between the London office and teachers. Thus, it is very important for Examination Applicants and Candidates to know its office address.
With effect from October 2014, the new address for Singapore Symphonia Co. Ltd is:
Singapore Symphonia Co. Ltd |
Tel: +65 6339 2624 |
Online queries | |
Exam requests | |
Change of contact details | |
Amendment of submitted entries | |
Withdrawals / Re-entry vouchers | |
Diploma queries | |
There are 2 ABRSM Piano Grading Examinations each year, and Applicants are required to register for them during the Registration Period. It is not uncommon for Applicants to miss the deadline for the registration. When that happens, online registration is no longer possible, and the Applicant has to personally go down to the ABRSM Representative Office. He fills in the application forms and submits on the spot. Additionally, he pays a penalty fee for late submission.
The address of the ABRSM Representative Office is definitely most useful for Piano Teachers, since they are often the Applicants.