Telling Stories: Performers(') Present

Narratives – whether historical, political, or musical; whether fact or fiction – are inextricably bound to the ways we experience the world, and the art that translates these experiences.
In the decade since we began hosting the triennial Performers(‘) Present symposium, artistic research has been undergoing rapid and ground-shifting transformations, with the performer’s voice becoming ever more present. As with our previous symposia, Telling Stories seeks to address and evolve the kaleidoscopic issues facing 21st-century performers, as they reflect on their practice in the context of significant shifts in politics, communications and technology, and performance practice.
Come join us and the artistic research community at the Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music from 23 – 26 October 2019, as we reflect on the power of music narratives and celebrate their narrators in Performers(‘) Present 2019: Telling Stories.