Launch of new Steinway Crown Jewel upright, and AXA Art Piano Insurance

Updated 8 years 3 months ago · Taken at Steinway Gallery
Launch of new Steinway Crown Jewel, at the entrance
Launch of new Steinway Crown Jewel, Toby Tan and his parents
Launch of new Steinway Crown Jewel, Yi Ting, Chen Jing, and Toby Tan
Launch of new Steinway Crown Jewel, Toby Tan performing
Launch of new Steinway Crown Jewel, Toby Tan performing to an audience
Launch of new Steinway Crown Jewel, Paranomic view of Chen Jing playing to an audience
Launch of new Steinway Crown Jewel, Chen Jing performing
Launch of new Steinway Crown Jewel, Yi Ting, and Toby Tan playing a duet
Launch of new Steinway Crown Jewel, Toby Tan, and Chen Jing playing a duet
Launch of new Steinway Crown Jewel, The crowd watching the recital
Launch of new Steinway Crown Jewel, Steinway piano
Launch of new Steinway Crown Jewel, Yi Ting, Toby Tan, and Chen Jing performing a trio
Launch of new Steinway Crown Jewel, Andrew Goh introducing Toby Tan
Launch of new Steinway Crown Jewel, Andrew Goh, and Toby Tan
Launch of new Steinway Crown Jewel, Crowd listening to the trio, Yi Ting, Toby Tan, and Chen Jing
Launch of new Steinway Crown Jewel, Yi Ting, Chen Jing, Toby Tan, and their smiling teacher, Winnie Tay
Launch of new Steinway Crown Jewel, Indian Apple K-132
Launch of new Steinway Crown Jewel, Ben Mah (right) representing Newby Teas
Launch of new Steinway Crown Jewel, Celine Goh
Launch of new Steinway Crown Jewel, Andrew Goh with three children
Launch of new Steinway Crown Jewel, Benjamin Shaw talking to parents
Launch of new Steinway Crown Jewel, Celine Goh, General Manager of Steinway Gallery Singapore
Launch of new Steinway Crown Jewel, Winnie Tay, and Sng Yong Meng
Launch of new Steinway Crown Jewel, Sng Yong Meng, and Ben Mah, representing Newby Teas
Launch of new Steinway Crown Jewel, Group picture

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