Level 1: Fur Elise
Level 2: This is for Elise
Level 3: This piece is for my friend Elise
Level 4: This composition is for a friend I call Elise
Level 5: This musical composition for the piano is made for a homo sapiens organism with possessing forty-six X chromosomes whose first name in her birth certificate is “Elise”.?
#FurElise #... See More
Level 1: Fur Elise
Level 2: This is for Elise
Level 3: This piece is for my friend Elise
Level 4: This composition is for a friend I call Elise
Level 5: This musical composition for the piano is made for a homo sapiens organism with possessing forty-six X chromosomes whose first name in her birth certificate is “Elise”.?
#FurElise #Beethoven

5 Levels of Für Elise: Noob to Extreme